COMPOSTING MYSELF AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE Growth and Change, Healing, DEATH AND DYING, Mother Earth, RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY, WELLNESS, WHOLENESSMARY SCHNORRENBERG6 January 2025Composting, self-growth, healing, go slow, yin, yin practices, softness, stillness, silenceComment
Destruction and Creation go Hand in Hand. Remember that Creation and Destruction are the oldest of friends, lovers even - Shiva and Shakti together. Read More Mother Earth, Paradigm Shift, Unity consciousness, wholeness, Death, DEATH AND DYING, COLLECTIVE LIBERATION, Community, Creativity, New EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG18 December 2024unity consciousness, creation, destruction, Death, death and life, America, freedom, shiva, shaktiComment
COMMUNITY - Connecting our Networks up like Mycelium Community, Dreaming, Healthy living, Humanity, Mother Earth, Paradigm Shift, RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY, UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, Unity consciousnessMARY SCHNORRENBERG25 September 2024community, humanity, mycelium networks, wholeness, unity consciousness, healing, dreaming, indigenous Comment
PEOPLE - The missing link between Light and Land-workers Death, COLLECTIVE LIBERATION, Humanity, Interconnectedness, Mental health, Mother EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG19 July 2024lightwork, landwork, collective liberation, silence is violence, humanity, indigenous, darknessComment
RED, WHITE + BLACK - THE RISE OF THE FEMININE DEATH AND DYING, LOVE, WHOLENESS, Wellness, Unconscious Mind, Mother Earth, Heart -Centred, HumanityMARY SCHNORRENBERG8 March 2024Womens day, death, death and life, birth and death, rebirth, the mother, life mother, Colonialism, Humanity, heart chakra Comments
FOREIGN + FAMILIAR - WHY YOU SHOULD OFTEN GET A LITTLE LOST Community, Healthy living, Healing, Humanity, Mother Earth, The Unknown, Unconscious MindMARY SCHNORRENBERG10 August 2023the unknown, change, getting lost, finding yourself, soul journeys, soul growth, comfort zones, human conditionComment
SMALL IS ALL Healthy living, Mother Earth, Sustainability, WELLNESS, WHOLENESSMARY SCHNORRENBERG20 June 2022well-being, happiness, size is everything, mental health, wholeness, community, community care, interbeingComment
SOLITUDE + SILENCE Healthy living, WELLNESS, Mother EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG22 November 2021Silence, Solitude, silence, non-negotiables, nature, nature nurtures, healing, loneliness, renewal, rebalance, recalibrate, wellbeingComment
The Mother Wound Healing, Mother Earth, MotherMARY SCHNORRENBERG7 October 2021mother wound, mother earth, healing, wholeness, wellness, mama, creation, feminine rising, birth, death and dying, rebirth Comments
The Power of Sacred Circles Community, Sacred Circles, Mother EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG9 February 2021holding circles, sacred circles, community, connection, deep listening, healing, somatic experience, sensuality
Little and Often; On Daily Practice. Heart -Centred, Mother EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG27 January 2021meditation, daily practice, little and often, nature, mother earth, gardening, growing plants, its a practice, healing Comment
PLANT POWER Plants, Mother EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG8 October 2020plants, growing plants, present moment, presence, wellness, get grounded, mother earth, observation, breathe better, nature, nurture nature, roots, plant power