I won’t lie, the past week with the latest from Gaza -has been huge on my psyche; staying sane and away from the edge has been a daily challenge,

The crumbling of the western world with its delusional distortions of normality, where we are forced to witness depraved and inhumane horrors  of already starving women and children being blasted to death while trying to collect bags of flour. 

Blood and white flour images have seeped into our psyches forcing us - those who see and feel- to dream about more Gazans dying in black white and red. IDF soldiers killing them - live on our phones so we ALL have the receipts- like a video game that has no repercussions. As sadly, there is no accountability from the media or the lying governments of the Empire.

The irony is that the top down of supremacy and hierarchies never ever sees, feels or hears what the roots up are saying, even after many months and millions of people protesting globally. What they have failed to see is that the tide has changed, the blood of Palestinians and Sudanese has now come back to choke these heartless 'leaders' and will kill off their ‘perceived’ power this year. This potent power year of dragon/ snake year of the 8, the rise of the feminine and awakening of the Global Heart

What this profound symbology has seeded in my mind however is a Global wave of change.

Through the blood on the hands of white supremacy, blood of Palestinians - who have been struggling against the Zionist state for 75 years not just the past full 5 whole months - mixed with explosions of white flour, a humble staple for the masses globally. This is the Oppressor and the Oppressed expressed in 2 colours.

The ruling class in the toxic masculine Yang-dom have already lost.

Colonisation through the last and most brutal example of Isra-hell has proved that we are in different times now. We are in the Yin-dom, the rise and return of the Feminine.

Which is why they so so badly have to control the narrative and story, through blood and white lies of supremacy..

Then my mind, brings in another colour - Black, the colour too often perceived as darkness, bad, heavy.

My favourite colour, the colour of my spirit animal the crows, the colour - in its myriad of shades and multitudes of meanings across the global majority - that has been most suppressed, repressed, colonised and subjugated to abuse, distortions, slavery and all forms of inhumanity across millennia. 

It's also the final colour in Egypt's flag, red white and black of Egypt - a land I live in, a land stuck right now is the middle ground of not one but two genocides occurring simultaneously. I do not know what this means, I do not know what Egypt's higher role should or could be as I'm too tired trying to cope with all the worlds; current crises’ to really be eagle and not mouse to see the higher perspective,.

All I know is that geographically the country I've chose to live in, in this present time and space in humanity's history is right on the cliff edge - the liminal choice point of more of these outdated masculine colonizing ways or a potentially new feminine path; yin love, community care, some softness stillness and silence. A rest and reset please?

I am not in charge but I do know that the red, the white, the black are powerful colours an symbols of NOW times, the end of business as usual for the occupying colonising ruling class and it’s copycat rulers that have infiltrated Africa and the Middle of East.

What also comes to mind with this trio of colours is the Russian fairytale of Vasalisa the Wise which I first read in Women who Run with Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, which she describes the Symbolical meaning as:

“The black, red and white symbolize the ancient colours connoting birth, life and death. These colours also represent old ideas of descent, death and rebirth - the Black for dissolving of one’s old values, the Red for the sacrifice of one’s preciously held illusions, and the White as the new light, the new knowing that comes from having experienced the first two..”

And isn’t that where we are at right now on Earth? The rise of the Feminine and the death of colonialism and the patriarchy, in its final throws of the horrorshow that is coming out of Isra-hell now, the evil bloodshed at the hands of these stale pale males?

Clarissa takes us deeper into the Dual Life-Death nature of each colour with:

“Red is the colour of sacrifice, of rage, of murder, of being tormented and killed. Yet Red is also the colour of vibrant life, dynamic emotion, arousal, Eros and desire. It is a colour that is considered strong medicine for psychic malaise. Throughout the world there is also the symbol of the Red Mother, she is the watcher of the ‘things coming through’. She is especially associated with women who are about to give birth, for whosoever leaves or comes into this world has to pass through her red river.

Black is the colour of mud, the fertile, the basic stuff into which ideas are sown. Yet Black is also the colour of death, the blackening of the light. And Black even has a third aspect- its the colour associated with the worlds between worlds. Black is a promise that you will soon know somethimg you did not know before.

White is the colour of the new, the pure, the pristine. It is also the colour of the soul free of the body, of spirit unencumbered by the physical/ The colour of essential nourishment of mothers mil. Conversely, it is the colour of the dead, of things which have lost their rosiness and vitality.. White is a promise that there is nourishment enough for things to begin anew, that the emptiness of the void be filled”

She is describing present times so brilliantly and clearly through the Alchemical process’ main colours, the nigredo, rubedo and albedo, which follow the cycle of the Wild Woman; the deep and necessary work of the Life/ Death /Life Mother.

So on this ‘focused’ Women’s day, perhaps give a thought to these omnipresent colours and where you may be located in your own individual alchemical process, within the framework of the collective process of the death (black) of the old, the opening of the global collective heart (red) and the promise of light (white) and nourishment for things to begin anew..

My prayer for Humanity is that Women everywhere - including the privileged West- step into their Wild Women and know we are Powerful enough to smash the remains of theses shitty systems and build this new, more balanced and beautiful world.

That’s POWER WITH , not Over the divine masculine that I feel, sense and experience in Egypt on a daily basis; without the divine masculine there is no divine feminine and no hope for real change.

I pray every day that the red, white and blood rise up together and for Ceasefire…

Amen x