FREE 30min Yoga Nidra Session with every 60 or 90 min Deep Tissue Massage booked until September 15th!

WHY? Are you always avoiding your shadows and focusing on just the positives and areas that feel light in life?

Are you stuck on a situation or life block/ stagnation that you cannot shift ?

This takes up HUGE mental and physical energy, also known as life force, which once freed can feel extraordinarily liberating!


WHAT? It is basically a personalised yoga Nidra journey where you come to the session, with a question your conscious mind does NOT know how to answer and we work with that during the Nidra. Many people know that after a deep tissue massage, your whole body and mind are already in a deeply relaxed and heavy state, plus blocked emotions and tension has been released from the fascia, therefore accessing the Unconscious mind is far easier at this point. Which is why we journey after the bodywork, as there are many ways to access your subconscious mind, where ALL the answers live! All I ask is that you journal how you feel the next morning for your own benefit, then shape into some kind of honest review for me…

WHERE? I come to you and offer this treatment in the comfort of your own home. As ideally this takes place in a familiar comfortable setting where you feel safe and can settle both your body and mind. Also driving or travelling post-session is not advised as you will likely feel quite relaxed, sensitive and possibly quite light and floaty.

WHAT NEXT? Any further questions or if you wish to discuss your personal situation further, please do DM or book a Free Exploratory Session.