Little and Often; On Daily Practice.

On Monday, the sunshine came out immediately after the snow, so I was called to the allotment. Braced myself for the messy chaos I was expecting from nature neglected- hadn't been there since late October.

What I did find was this gorgeous display of my hardy brassicas blooming underneath settled snow and warm sun beaming on them, screaming "Where you been girl???"

Which really was magical to witness. Nature at her most gracious, and forgiving!

Reminded me of those early Lockdown days last year when you couldn't get me off the allotment as the soil, mother earth and nature herself was infinitely healing, wholesome and heart centring.

Why did I stop? When did it become too hard? What got in the way? How could I start again fresh?

Then another plot holder offered me some raspberry roots and as I self-flagellated about my lack of presence she's like "No-one comes here in Winter, just remember little and often, that's what nature needs."

This echoed deeply in my heart and mind, like an old friend resurfacing, I repeated Little and Often. Little and often.

Yes that's all that nature requires from humans to grow; show up daily, do a little and do it often and she'll grow. I'll feed you, I'll keep you healthy and I'll be your friend, if you want. Just show up Little and Often for me.

Yes indeed, I promised my purple broccoli, my courgettes, my rosemary bush, I'd be back more often and little in 2021.

As I made my way home I recalled how humans, who are nature- despite how much we forget this fact- also require tending to Little and Often. Humans need a daily love practice of Little and Often.

So thanks to the soil and my little hardy brassica friends, I commit to Daily Practice; Little and Often.

I know from my own personal practice daily of morning pages, meditation, yoga and/or a run in the woods. I've strengthened my spiritual, physical and mental muscles, which builds resilience and allows me to see clearly. I know from tending to myself daily - little and often; I've become more centred, less noisy in the mind;

More ocean, Less waves. More sky, Less clouds..

Whatever analogy works, now more than ever we need a daily practice of Little and Often; that connects you in here- to heart, spirit and soul, gets you away from the noise and chaos of 3D density reality - out there.

One year ago I was definitely not a meditator but with ALL the chaos of first quarter 2020 when I finally landed in this flat and had breathing space, I realised the value of it and committed. A couple of teachers guided me, so I know how important that is initially. Now it's non-negotiable. If I miss a day of meditation, I feel it..

So I propose Little and Often Meditation Practice, starting on February 8th, 8:00am, then every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 30min.

Show up for yourself as you do with all the things you value and love. I guess the question is; Do you value yourself enough to show up daily - little and often?

The first session will start with an intro on how; ie tools that may help then we’ll jump straight into it. Dm with any questions, stay well xx