Destruction and Creation go Hand in Hand. Remember that Creation and Destruction are the oldest of friends, lovers even - Shiva and Shakti together. Read More Mother Earth, Paradigm Shift, Unity consciousness, wholeness, Death, DEATH AND DYING, COLLECTIVE LIBERATION, Community, Creativity, New EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG18 December 2024unity consciousness, creation, destruction, Death, death and life, America, freedom, shiva, shaktiComment
INTERCONNECTEDNESS - OF ALL THE SHADOWS AND LIGHT IN THIS WORLD COLLECTIVE LIBERATION, UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, Heart -Centred, Community, Mental health, LOVE, Interconnectedness, InterbeingMARY SCHNORRENBERG18 August 2024Collective Liberation, freedom, community, interconnectedness, love, humanity, wholeness, unity consciousness, indigenous land, indigenous, activism, shadows and lightComment
FOUR EASY WAYS TO COPE WITH UNCERTAINTY MYSTERY, Mental health, Liminality, HealingMARY SCHNORRENBERG28 January 2023darkness, uncertainty, the uknown, intuition, healing, wholeness, wellness, transformative change, discomfort, freedom Comments
OWNING NOTHING AND BEING HAPPY - ON MY OWN TERMS Death, Community, LOVE, Paradigm ShiftMARY SCHNORRENBERG21 July 2022ownership, freedom, liberation, embodiment, unlearning, capitalism, death, buddhismComment
RED-LISTED Mental health, TruthspeakingMARY SCHNORRENBERG10 July 2021othering, the other, red list, coronamania, egypt, south sinai, question everything, lockdown, freedom, stay safe, stay sane, truthspeaking, knowledge Comments
The Middle Way Mindfulness, HealingMARY SCHNORRENBERG3 September 2019middle path, spirituality, rebellion, freedom, healthy living, relationships, religion, black or white, well-being, family, Buddhism