Destruction and Creation go Hand in Hand. Remember that Creation and Destruction are the oldest of friends, lovers even - Shiva and Shakti together. Read More Mother Earth, Paradigm Shift, Unity consciousness, wholeness, Death, DEATH AND DYING, COLLECTIVE LIBERATION, Community, Creativity, New EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG18 December 2024unity consciousness, creation, destruction, Death, death and life, America, freedom, shiva, shaktiComment
COMMUNITY - Connecting our Networks up like Mycelium Community, Dreaming, Healthy living, Humanity, Mother Earth, Paradigm Shift, RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY, UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, Unity consciousnessMARY SCHNORRENBERG25 September 2024community, humanity, mycelium networks, wholeness, unity consciousness, healing, dreaming, indigenous Comment
INTERCONNECTEDNESS - OF ALL THE SHADOWS AND LIGHT IN THIS WORLD COLLECTIVE LIBERATION, UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, Heart -Centred, Community, Mental health, LOVE, Interconnectedness, InterbeingMARY SCHNORRENBERG18 August 2024Collective Liberation, freedom, community, interconnectedness, love, humanity, wholeness, unity consciousness, indigenous land, indigenous, activism, shadows and lightComment
Landwork Is Lightwork Community, Humanity, Sustainability, WELLNESS, The Unknown, GardeningMARY SCHNORRENBERG19 April 2024landwork, lightwork, soil, compost, regeneration, regreening the desert, indigenous land, bedouins, Sinai, south sinai, gardening, connection, healing Comment
Self Care Vs Community Care Community, COLLECTIVE LIBERATION, Humanity, MotherMARY SCHNORRENBERG7 September 2023community care, self-care, community, resources, sharing, sharing economy, greater good, human needs, hyper-individualism, solidarityComment
FOREIGN + FAMILIAR - WHY YOU SHOULD OFTEN GET A LITTLE LOST Community, Healthy living, Healing, Humanity, Mother Earth, The Unknown, Unconscious MindMARY SCHNORRENBERG10 August 2023the unknown, change, getting lost, finding yourself, soul journeys, soul growth, comfort zones, human conditionComment
OWNING NOTHING AND BEING HAPPY - ON MY OWN TERMS Death, Community, LOVE, Paradigm ShiftMARY SCHNORRENBERG21 July 2022ownership, freedom, liberation, embodiment, unlearning, capitalism, death, buddhismComment
CREATING CONSCIOUS COMMUNITY + ALTERNATIVE CURRENCIES Community, WELLNESS, CreativityMARY SCHNORRENBERG29 September 2021community, collective consciousness, gardening, community connections, timebanks, sharing economy, gift economy, sharing, new earth Comment
The Power of Sacred Circles Community, Sacred Circles, Mother EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG9 February 2021holding circles, sacred circles, community, connection, deep listening, healing, somatic experience, sensuality
Creating Community through Corona.. Healthy living, CommunityMARY SCHNORRENBERG2 May 2020Food waste, creativity, community connections, Lockdown love, covid 19, gardening, Batch cooking Comment