PEOPLE - The missing link between light and landworkers

Between landwork and lightwork- two concepts I can relate to very well- it seems that the forgotten piece of the pie is often the People..

Humans - as dire as our species have become- are still well and truly the conduit between the lands and the light, between earth and sky, between the Above and the Below.

Invisible or forgotten people seems to be a trademark of the Western “love and light brigade” as I call it, or wellness community, as I grow ever more weary with the white wellness world that still does nothing beyond tokenistic gestures for black and brown bodies and our stories. This has been strongly seen and felt within this nine month long ‘It’s Complicated’ excuse or even more illusory The “I don’t want to cause Divide..” line, in simply calling out a genocide as a genocide! Because most western folk in the wellness world a.) focus on hyper individualistic healing and understand zero about healing in community and through ancestral lineages and b.) Cannot and will not upset their wealthy puppet masters - who also have their claws on the sanitised wellness world- for fear of losing money, sponsorship or branding. This is beyond hypocritical when you actually look at EVERY-thing that truly contributes to true and lasting healing comes from Indigenous, native, ethnic black and brown lands.

Again, colonial mindsets still strongly intact when you take our resources, plant medicines, stones, feathers, medicine wheels and do deals to elevate yourself as a successful lightworker or landworker but give zero credit to the people who shared their light or their land. We know that very soon Your times up!

The love and light brigade has long been marinating in mediocrity while mandating for certifications of their training programs rooted in superficial learnings, unprocessed and unintegrated, so that they can go out and teach others how to be just as unhealed and useless. Colonial practices always operate through capitalist, racist and sexist limbs, that are just as broken, bruised or burnt as Gazan children they scroll past on their screens.

Don’t get me wrong I’m all about elevating myself above the heart to the higher lighter chakras that bring me closer to source. But you cannot BE in the spiritual / celestial realms for too long without needing to eat some bread, use the loo and maybe pay some bills. We have these 3D flesh suits for a reason right? We have these beautiful bodies and underactive, unused heart spaces for a purpose, we have these arms and legs and skin and flesh for some goddam reason other than transcendence right?

We humans - the People - have power in this 3D space; we animate and activate, we can talk ,touch, taste, cuddle, create, command, co-erce and kill because we have these bodies. Because we are people; people-ing.

The missing link between land and light workers is the fact that we are flesh; humanos, a person that makes a collective group of people - humanity, where we have many “human conditions” in common.

Is this not an absolute truth?

Or am I just too old, too traditional or too out of touch? Last time I checked in with humanity we still needed our bodies to roll around on this crumbling earth…So why does the wellness community still gaslight, spiritually bypass and continue to perpetrate harm on more melanated bodies? Why do I need to be using my hands and head and body to even write this piece right now?

Because for our bodies to be recognised, acknowledged and respected would require some of your attention and god forbid some of your privileged bodies and minds to feel uncomfortable.

While bodies are being blown apart on our screens daily; brown, Arab, dirty, terrorist, bodies are being blown up while innocent children - just like your own- walk holding torsos of their once present brothers or detached hands of their blown-up little sisters, while tiny brown bodies get shot in an ambulance over 255 times - while your privileged body still sits in comfort at your computer wondering where to take your healthy body to for your next holiday.

My people’s bodies, limbs, heads, feet - all small and, all innocent are dying in the most gruesome ways.

So I say this now with anger and passion that has escalated now that I’m back in the dying empire that is the colonising heartlands of England.

I say this loud and clear “If your body is not advocating for brown bodies being killed by your leaders -WHY NOT…?!?”

If you’re not acknowledging the people; their labour, love and stories from the land, then your land work and light work is lacking in depth, integrity and doesn’t mean actual shit to the global majority. We see you and we know your ship is sinking, even if you don't wanna admit y’all sober-partying on the toxic Titanic.

If you don’t talk about the people of the lands you so love and the harm being done to their bodies, you’re not seeing us fully and don’t deserve to know me and my people.

But understand this; just like the IDF incurring massive karmic debt that will take lifetimes to clear, ultimately you will come back in a different body with a very different relationship to privilege, power and people.

Karma’s a bitch like that! Have a good weekend…


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