Destruction and Creation go Hand in Hand. Remember that Creation and Destruction are the oldest of friends, lovers even - Shiva and Shakti together. Read More Mother Earth, Paradigm Shift, Unity consciousness, wholeness, Death, DEATH AND DYING, COLLECTIVE LIBERATION, Community, Creativity, New EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG18 December 2024unity consciousness, creation, destruction, Death, death and life, America, freedom, shiva, shaktiComment
PEOPLE - The missing link between Light and Land-workers Death, COLLECTIVE LIBERATION, Humanity, Interconnectedness, Mental health, Mother EarthMARY SCHNORRENBERG19 July 2024lightwork, landwork, collective liberation, silence is violence, humanity, indigenous, darknessComment
DEATH + LIFE Death, Healing, HumanityMARY SCHNORRENBERG10 January 2024death and life, grief, heart chakra, humanity, fear of deathComment
MY FATHER; THE TRICKSTER DEATH AND DYING, Anxiety, Death, Humanity, MYSTERY, Unconscious MindMARY SCHNORRENBERG27 May 2023dying well, darkness, the unknown, trickster, the fool, disruptor, father wound, rebirth, heartspace, archetypesComment
LETTING GO - WHAT AUTUMN ASKS OF OUR HEARTS Death, Anxiety, DEATH AND DYINGMARY SCHNORRENBERG4 October 2022letting go, Autumn, cycles and seasons, chinese medicine, lungs, large intestines, grief, sadness, heart chakra, Air element, metal Comment
OWNING NOTHING AND BEING HAPPY - ON MY OWN TERMS Death, Community, LOVE, Paradigm ShiftMARY SCHNORRENBERG21 July 2022ownership, freedom, liberation, embodiment, unlearning, capitalism, death, buddhismComment
Ballerinas and Boxers; Death Differently Healing, Death, WELLNESSMARY SCHNORRENBERG25 May 2020Death, dying well, mortality, coronavirus, grace, living well, western world, saving lives, Buddhism, grief, fear of deathComment