The Interconnectedness of all the beautiful stuff, including the farm to table meal of this organic breakfast you're eating this Sunday to the healthy organic cotton that's not produced by kids in Chinese sweatshops that adorns your skin to the 6 degrees of separation that you've just discovered between you and your new soul sister at that wellness festival you just went to...

We ALL see the Interconnectedness between us and source when what’s concerned is the ‘nice’ healing, warm and fuzzy stuff. But it blows me away how most people, most intelligent, highly Intellectual folk do not see the clear links between the dark stuff, the shadows.

How your Mcdonald’s drive through fast food is directly connected to fast bombs dropping on innocent women and children..

How the cobalt mining for lithium in your phones and rechargeable cars enriches Glencore Zionists who in turn use that money to blow up babies in Palestine..

And how the same forces that build apartheid walls in Palestine, ripping Palestinians from their land and each other are the same forces that enact police violence and community destruction in the United States. How the same IDF force trains both US police their own soldiers ..

The Interconnectedness of Your freedom and Your peace is NOT a separate and individualistic act, it's wholly and completely interdependent on the Collective Liberation of the whole. The whole being of Humanity..

How ALL the shadow aspects of Humanity playing out are traced back to and Interconnected by the same nefarious characters of the Ruling class.

It IS our Response- Ability to discern what’s real and reject the narratives which separate us ,whether it be physical walls or the oppressive mechanisms of state violence which disproportionately harm black, brown, indigenous and immigrant communities. We must stay focused, hand-in-hand and not allow the same old Divide and Rule tactics to overpower us..

It is truly time for YOU to come out of your shadows to firstly SEE how your privileges and silence will NOT protect you for much longer and secondly allow that to drive you to take some action- Any Action!

Whether it’s in support of soil regeneration and climate, or supporting homeless, or food security or calling for ceasefire and an end to Gen*cide in ALL countries now, all the threads and disasters are ALL connected.

Please start somewhere; Anywhere! Go where your heart pulls you, start small, get organised and in alignment with others on the same cause. Remember to Rest when you need to as activism can lead to burnout but it can also lead to beautiful, sensual, heart soaring JOY and happiness and this New earth we all know is possible!

We all play a part in the Waking up of Humanity and for each of our souls Liberation...

Remember you are not free until everybody is FREE!