Back in late 2014, I moved back to UK - London specifically - after 3 pretty good years in Dahab, Egypt. The combination of my father dying and post-Arab Spring instability influenced my decision. Though looking back now, I realise the seeds of my intention were definitely not as ripe and ready as they are now.

The seeds of a conscious, co-creating community that looked after each other and operated with various different currencies not just money, didn't seem to take hold in Dahab at the time.

I returned to London with zero cash and struggled to make some for a little while - so for 2 weeks of every month until I got myself back on my feet, I set myself the fun challenge of FORNTIGHT OF FREEBIES. I turned my poverty into play and then I didn't want the game to end as I got so much for free including job offers and a new teaching gig, that I swore to do this at least every couple of months to show people a different way of living and also to save some cash.

Remember Resources are Everything and Creativity is the mother of Invention after all.


So I basically become a stalker on Freecycle, picking up as many items in top condition as I could, furnished my new room and sold on the stuff I didn't/couldnt use. Which I know goes against the trust ethics of freecycle, but this only lasted for all of 5 months! So forgive me father for I have sinned, but it wasn't a permanent way of life, so I haven’t lost sleep over this.


I first heard the saying gardens grow plants and people at the same time at Penge Green Gym, which I thought was truly cheesy but soon realised how true this was. People who garden are some of the nicest, most organic, wholesome, honest, rooted and grounded people you will ever meet. And generous as F*** with their time, the sharing of resources and access to other community groups - proper mycelium networks of interconnectedness- as I soon realised most volunteers in community organisations also volunteer elsewhere. So it's just a sweet n easy way to make new friends. Also, ALL activities in the garden are great analogies for life - weeding, prepping soil, propagating seeds, planting out baby plants, watering, trimming, and eventually Composting (my FAVE activity now) each come with a life lesson. Growing your own food is truly magical and mystical practice. Gardening is by far the biggest contribution to my mental health remaining crisp, fresh and in good order. Please join your local garden now. Getting your hands dirty keeps your heart n soul clean. I promise!

Don't know where to start?


Next, I joined the local timebank - of which I’m still a member. These are a powerful and beautiful way of reminding each and every human being that we have essential value with one or more of our skills. Everyone is good at something, which is the basis of Tiembanking, You work in IT, I teach yoga, we exchange an hour or two of our time - as Time credits, - instead of money asTIME is the currency here - and I get my laptop fixed and you smooth out your creaky back and neck; Everyone happy.

Timebanking is easily one of the most underrated yet highly important social tools for building community, friendships and learning to value ourselves in the NOW for what we have to offer. Please try it if you haven't already, or create one! Please do check out the one I’m a member of, especially if you’re South London based;


Big cities generate tonnes of food waste daily! Fact. I discovered that ITSU does half-price sushi half an hour before closing each and every night. I expected a stampede but found cool n clam Brits n sushi lovers taking only what they needed in raw fish consumption and leaving shitloads behind. So I would buy the absolute cheapest, eat-in until absolute final closing minutes and then the sweet Italian staff member who I made friends with would always offer me to take some home as she herself hated waste and after 9pm it was ALL going in the bin anyway. SO I would often go home with up to 10 boxes of sushi, sharing with the homeless on the way to the tube, though most homeless are not fans of sushi, sadly.

Hare Krishnas give out food every Sunday down central London as did so many Hindu temples and religious groups, so I still ate out but with the spiritual folk who were living their Dharmas while I was living on good karma. Life was good.

Also if you want to be part of a food redistribution network please download OLIO app and/or support the Felix Project, which Im so happy to see now has a fleet of vans redistributing food waste every night!


In London - and likely big cities everywhere- there are LOADS of unused commercial properties that are vacant, so before the Live in Guardian, real estate sector arose it was either squatters or Meanwhile spaces moving in - which I totally rate!

Organisations that act as the middle man between you and often unfriendly hard-to-reach landlords - like Network rail- where they turn an unused space into a community venue hiring out at dirt cheap - or close to free prices.

I felt so blessed when I discovered this possibility in Loughborough Junction, so I started teaching yoga at Arch 504, with zero overheads and connected to a wonderful local community. Check out


Anyone who’s ever lived in London knows how expensive it is, so I was always on the hunt for new or cheap ways to live. which I definitely found through Share and Care Homeshare. A simple concept; an elderly person who lives alone and has one or two spare rooms available offers that room to you for an absolute minimal fee in exchange for 16 hours a week of whatever agreed up-front help is needed.

In my case, I lived with a beautiful sweet eccentric artist who had just lost his partner and whose Alzkeimers was worsening so I was there to keep him company, cook his meals and maintain his very active schedule. This was such a powerful exchange and perfect match of a situation, it still remains one of THE best homes and living experience I’ve has in 15 years of London life. Highly recommended BUT only if you genuinely and sincerely care about being a companion to an elder, as it’s truly about being of service,

Check out

Also, please don't underestimate the Gift Economy - where people literally live money-free as they ‘gift’ you with what you need and trust that their own needs will be met as and when they need - in a circular, cyclical way.

For more info check out this fab new resource;

Also, the Sharing Economy is booming too; please watch;

So I hope these ideas spark your curiosity, warm your heart and motivate you to at least checkout ways to consume less, connect more and become part of your local community, especially in this post-Covid world where we now know how interconnected we all truly are.

Feel free to DM me with any other ideas of living well outside of money!

Bless xx