Why YIN is so important in my life and should be in yours too..

Yeas ago, when covid was just beginning I wrote Natural vs Normal about the current state of affairs in the world and how our stressful capitalistic patriarchal societies were grinding us down.

Now we see 4 years on how these unhealthy societies are literally killing us- mental ill health is on the rise, chronic illnesses, energy crises; all against the backdrop of ongoing wars and genocides perpetuated by the same leaders.

When we truly stop, reflect and SEE with eyes wide open how battered and bruised and beaten down we are by these systems rooted in the Patriarchal YANG energy of dominance, control and extraction, then we can truly, eventually Choose to take our energy away from it.

And seriously that's ALL we ever really need to do..

Here are 3 Easy Ways to become more YIN in your life;

1.Learn to say firm NO's! Practice saying NO as a full sentence. Full stop. We all have an inner people-pleaser that just wants to be liked and 'NICE'...Change your perspective on that people pleaser and see how she overcommits you to things you don't want to do, to please people you don’t even like, which can sometimes even get you into dangerous situations. 

Say No more than you say YES! Practice it with a strong - boundaried friend to be your mirror, until it becomes familiar and eventually easy.

2. Start your day by turning IN with Meditative Practices

The first  30 minutes of your day are crucial in setting the tone for your day- Remember - IN is YIN! 

Linger in your bed to follow a dream image back, or take 20 deep conscious breaths, or say a little prayer, do 4 rounds of breathwork sat upright on a chair or in lotus pose and really centre yourself, find that immovable centre within you before the day gets rolling.

Trust me this will guarantee that you don't flow into the day Reacting rather than Responding to circumstance and people.. Do NOT check your phone until you're having breakfast or heading out the door if you can hold out.

3. Remember Softness', Stillness + Silence are held IN your Heart.

Your heart space is the energetic centre of your body, and is a very powerful electro magnetic field- a field of Infinite possibilities. So whenever I can, I drop from my head into my heart and tune into these qualities - like 3 wise sisters that I want to bond with. Whenever I find myself super in yang mode of DO-ing and fire and rah rah rah, I turn to these qualities and ask myself How can I bring in more Softness?

How can I be more Still right now?

And can I bring in some Silence today before needing collapsing into bed later?

You could even set a reminder on your phone twice a day..

Remember to be patient and kind to yourself..Whenever we aim to unlearn habits and behaviours to repattern and learn anew these can take time. But make it a practice and you'll have a less stressful, less noisy mind and life.

Ultimately in the journey back to balance and harmony through Yin..

You must keep asking yourself “What's all the RUSH for anyway?!?”

Have a YIN week! x