Having a routine to stick to can be dead boring and keep one feeling like they’re in a rigid, structured too-tight container. This IS true when the routine has been imposed on you not made by YOU. I’ve realised this in my many incarnations with being self employed and my own boss over the years, that having a routine and some discipline is where Freedom and Self -love actually lives..

For far too long I felt restricted into the rat race of eat, sleep, shit, work the repeat with the only joy in between involving some form of Numbing from reality rather than Experiencing Reality - things like drinking, overeating, netflixing, scrolling on socials etc, all take you Away from life rathe Into it..

I know it’s because of the lack of Joy and en-JOYment of one’s life circumstances, when we feel stuck in a program of just surviving and not really living, then the ‘living ‘ part are all actions that contribute to disassociation, avoiding our feelings or just straight numbing out of life.

Only recently, the last 3 years back in the mother land, my mothers land, my home of Dahab Sinai have I started to fully develop a routine of Non-Negotiables that serve me well and keep me balanced in the Yin and Yang and moving towards one new goal I’ve set, also very recently…

What are Non=Negotiables?

These can be any meaningful activities done intentionally upon waking up that put your mind, body and spirit in the best possible state so that you can face the day and the darkness that too often clouds our days, especially lately. Often a combination of small things that leaves you with good feelings and some focus…

For myself these consist of something like one or all of these:


The only way out is through, as they say..So for the best resilience I turn inwards and anchor onto spirit, through my breath and pranayama I always find my way back to source - call it God, Universal intelligence Allah or Mystic Meg. Starting the day meditating to observe the mind a little, finding some distance between myself and my thoughts, always creates space and is not something I have ever regretted spending time on. Combined with some conscious breathwork I always feel more present and spacious


Humans are made with these glorious bodies of ours to move, to shake to jump, to run, to climb, to undulate, to slither, shine and to move much more than the average human does these days.

When you wake, make the small effort to just 15 minutes of movement to feel the BIG rewards. We daily need to shift, shake out any stuck stuff within. The spine especially needs (and loves ) to reach, stretch, undulate, push pull , pulse and undulate like our ancestors used to. Stop thinking about moving and feel your movements. Any movement for at least 15minutes will wake up the bod to get the blood flowing and leave you feeling more fluid and less wood like. A lifetime Non-negotiable for me!


To process ones day or week is a necessity as soooo much can happen in the space of 24 hours -online and offline in this increasingly busy world - that sometimes I find I get so lost in it if I don’t process it through getting pen to paper and just blurting it allout…

If you prefer drawing, this can be equally just as good, as to draw or write is a physical act that grounds and anchors you into space tie reality of NOW. To stop you circulating into the future and past constantly…

I always feel much more cleaner and clearer after a little morning journalising, kind of like clearing out the cobwebs of my mind.

Try 1 or all of these out for yourself and let me know how the rest of your day / week flows after committing to your beautiful soul-full self with your Non-Negotiables..

Feel free to share your own Non-Negotiables and journey below!