What is Heart Centred Living and Why's it so important?

Living a Heart centred life just means to live from the heart rather than the head; from thinking and into feeling.

People need to tune into their hearts because it allows us to connect with our spirit and hear our inner callings. When you do live this way, you will find comfort, guidance, peace, love, compassion, you’ll be more able to trust your inner voice, guidance and intuition. And above all else it feels so good!

I cannot talk about the ‘How’ of the heart without talking about the ‘Why’ I initially became interested in the heart.

Almost 30 years ago, my mother died of heart disease; after many minor heart attacks ruptured and disrupted our lives until the major heart attack that took her.

To say that it wasn't - and to this day still is - the hardest thing I've ever lived through, would be a lie.

Though due to the cause of her death - heart disease and what Grief does to crack the heart open, I have been secretly and silently obsessed with the heart, all of my life.

What makes the heart hurt?

What makes the heart rejoice?

What foods and supplements help keep the heart physically healthy?

What does a closed heart space look like?

What does an open heart space look like?

All these questions plagued my life and mind from the age of 10.

Subsequently; on the journey into finding and embodying these answers, I have learned to live courageously, fearlessly and from the infinite space of the heart.

Now more than ever I see and feel that people everywhere - humanity itself- must wake up to the heart space and live from this centre, for our very survival.

Everyone knows when you are in Love, you feel full expansive, warm, fuzzy, free and like you're floating through your days on a cloud. Indeed this is true as the element of the heart is Air; also the precarious point of balance between our upper and lower chakras.

When we live in Fear, the heart is closed, contracted right into itself, breathing becomes difficult, we are cold, suspicious and deeply disconnected from every living being. Life becomes dull and not worth living.

I see both of these polarised states very clearly present on earth right now. There seems to be no in-between, as if the earth is splitting into Fear Camp and Love Camp.

So as an area that is so close to my heart (no pun intended!) I need to share what I guess I came here for; Living from the heart.

A few easy ways to learn to live from the heart right now;

*Place one hand on your heart, this immediately draws your attention there, and breathe for the next 5 minutes into the front of the heart and out the back of your heart. Carry on breathing in lightness and exhaling heaviness. Simple. Observe any sensations and emotions that arise.

*Chanting YAM - the seed sound of the heart chakra- slowly, mindfully while all your awareness is on heart chakra. For at least 5 minutes. Allow that sound to wash over you like waves on the ocean. Sound is everything, and primordial.

*Create something TODAY with your hands,. Something you love doing for the pure joy of the process, not for the perfect finished product. The hands have a direct link to the heart, when we make something we are literally creating form from the space of the heart. A great reminder we are all co-creators.

*Write a daily gratitude list; some people cannot easily feel love, so start with appreciation and gratitude.. There is always something to be grateful for; the small stuff; your warm duvet or the lovely lunch a dear friend made for you. When we start to appreciate what we already have, we allow the ripples of gratitude to flow out, which brings us more.

*Meditate, daily. This a non-negotiable if you want to move out of thinking of headspace and into the feeling of the heart space. Start with 5 min to sit and drop from head into heart, via your breath. Connecting to source takes practice, and practice makes permanent.

*Be in Nature; daily. Take long deep breaths as air is the element of the heart, so the more we connect to the freshness of nature - trees, seas, mountains or desert- the more we move into coherence with earth and our own natural frequency; which is 7.83HZ. Remember Nature Nurtures. Get out there, ESPECIALLY in these times.

I will be offering a 4-week course on how to live a heart-centered life, starting with a Grief Group on the 25th of Feb. Will explore breathing and yoga practices, heart chakra exercises, herbs and plants that help and of course understanding and processing Grief. DM me with HEART and I’ll get some info out to you..

Remember that your heart is an infinite portal that leads to lighter and lighter states of being and living. The Ascension as is often talked about in the Spiritual world is happening. (More on this in a later blog post.)

I aim to keep the course practical ( I am a Capricorn) , easy to follow with simple applicable learnings that will have you easily living from the heart.

Also on a final note, I encourage you right now to explore Grief in your life. What have you not accepted or acknowledged as a loss in your life?

2020 everyone suffered some kind of loss; whether it was your dreams, a job, home, pet or human, all has the same heart-breaking effect. This needs to be felt and processed. Grieving is a natural process and a huge must if you wish to heal the heart and access the full potential of Love that is on the other side of tunnel of Grief.

The time to heal is now.

If not now then when?

For further reading, do check out science-based research on the hearts electromagnetic field;

From my heart to yours much love,

Mary xx