Want to Learn To Meditate?

Are you tired of being pushed and pulled in every direction with news and information?

Have you lost a sense of yourself in the last year with all this mess?

Do you want some inner peace and stillness?

Meditation is very likely THE Solution...

It's actually not about stopping thinking, let's just get over that limited belief code. It is about coming into present moment awareness and observing the chatter of the mind without over-identifying with the content of the chatter..

Ocean is the easiest analogy; Imagine in front of you there is a wide-open ocean and various waves that are rising and falling, coming and going. Your thoughts are the waves, and then there's the ocean of your mind UNDER the waves; wide, open, expansive and free. Your mind and your thoughts are one but separate, like the ocean and waves.

Can you learn to be More Ocean and Less Waves,?

I can teach you as over the last year I've ridden the waves of some traumatic thoughts (and events) but kept crashing back down to the absolute truth that I am Ocean.

Meditation saved me from myself as I connected back to my Self. Real Self. Illusion free.

Why Meditate? 3 Reasons.

*It connects you to something more infinite than your finite little self..It plugs you back into Source, whatever you wanna call it, Ocean, god, Harry or my preference; Divine Feminine!

*As the practice is about stillness and anchoring your attention onto your breath as a basic tool; it does reduce anxiety, stress, fear, tension and replaces all that noise with CALM. Then with your newfound spacious silence, you start to hear that inner voice of your intuition, which gets louder every damn day..Ahhhh!

*Meditation is practical magic, it helps ramp up creativity by dropping you deep into the pool of some altered higher states; delta - theta. Then sometimes, not always you come back with golden nuggets of inspiration for your creative practice that shine.. Just ask David Lynch!

I'll be starting Micro Meditations on Monday March 1st at 8am; simple 30min guided meditations and a bit of freestyling.

Then every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8am ongoing..

Just £5 drop in or £12 for the week. DM for more info, or sign up to my mailing list and I'll keep you in the loop.

Remember like everything it's a practice, the first 10, maybe 20 times, maybe it will be revealed that your monkey mind is on crack! But when you do drop into those deep theta states and you remember your Ocean- ness, you'll be back! I promise..
