Raising your Frequency

Most days, thankfully, I sleep well and wake up well, though there are some days when I wake and feel dread, heaviness and my old friend Anxiety present. When I immediately feel like I want to go back to sleep, as I know the intensity of these states will likely just escalate throughout the day, and I’m more susceptible to create and attract rubbish low vibration people and events to me.

So while I do have a morning ritual to get endorphins going anyway, on days like these I spend more time imtentionally raising my frequency, in particular through attention to the Endocrine system - which govern the glands and organs. Remember a healthy human body is at 62 - 70 Mhz, when we are sick and have a lowered immune system this can drop down to 52Mhz, which even if we don’t have the language to explain Mhz, we know it because we feel LOW in mind, body and spirit.

I do the following things BEFORE I leave the house to raise my frequency:


Sit in a comfy cross legged position, on a cushion or block.

Raise arms over head so that thumbs are pointing to the sky or each other.

Chant OM NAMO GURU DEV NAMO - 3 times.

Breathe of fire and continuously between 1 -3 minutes.

To end bring the thumbs together on a deep inhale and pull up root lock (mulabhanda) for about 20 seconds, then as you exhale slowly lower the arms. Hands rest on knees.

Sit for about a minute to absorb the energy and feel the luminosity around you.


Often we absorb and hold energies from our days outdoors within our bodies, so a salt bath is ideal at least twice a week to cleanse our physical and subtler energetic bodies of stuck energy.

I normally use at leasT 500grams of high grade Epsom salts with my favourite essential oils that uplift me, like geranium, bergamot, rosemary or vetiver. Soak for minimum 30 minutes, with NO blue screens, not even netflix. Read a book or just daydream and rest your eyes.

If there’s no time for a bath in the morning, I’ll grab my magnesium spray, which is like salt bath on the go - and spray key areas of back of neck, shoulders, palms and feet, along with my thymus and thyroid glands (which essentially control digestion, T-cells and immunity).

Wait at least 3-5 minutes for the magnesium oil to absorb into your skin before dressing. Also helps with restless sleep, so do this before bed too, spraying back of neck and your feet in particular.


Foods have a vibrational frequency also, while comfort foods like crisps may taste great, they don’t actually add anything to the body nutritionally and often leave you feeling more dense, heavy and sluggish.

Eating a handful of almonds or walnuts is equal to 50mz, not to mention the nutrition contained within them like magnesium, protein and essential amino acids.

Making a green smoothie with cucumber, celery and a generous tablespoon of spirulina or moringa will do wonders for your gut health and nervous system, There are countless studies that show your brain health is inextricably linked yo your gut health. So starting your day with celery juice in particualr is sure to keep your gut healthy, brain sharp and raise your vibration on many levels.


Sometimes we feel down in the dumps for no particular reason then tend to scan our lives for all the shit things going on and how much we are lacking or all the opportunities missed, then obviously feel a lot worse. Catching yourself in this downward spiral is not only useful but can definitley be flipped by practising a gratitude list.

Writing down a short list of 5-10 items in your life NOW that bring you JOY will and does immediately lift your vibration.

A quick one now off teh top of my head is:

Sunshine and all that GREEN outsise.

This gorgeus serene sanctuary / home.

Full fridge

Strong body

Conscious community I’m connected to.

Remember when you appreciate or love what you have, the univers will ALWAYS bring you more.


No brainer really! We all know the benefits of listening to tunes that we love, so crank on a couple of your all time favourite sings and dance, shake and move out any stuck energy and fully express yourself and any parts that feel neglected, tired or unseen.

Remember emotions are just energy in motion, so if you are feeling negative vibes, often times you just need to move (often faster than you can think!) to discharge stagnant emotions that have now become negative in your system.

Also on the go, listening to binaural beats, Solfeggio frequencies or any healing music set to 432 hz

are absolutely amazing and leave you with a sense of expansion and openness in your mind, which if course affects the body.


We all have at least one friend we know without a doubt will listen without judging, make us laugh til we cry or drop some wise pearls of wisdom and lift us right out of any foul frequency we may be in. The light in the tunnel kind of friend. Text or call them ASAP on days like these. Never underestimate the power of being heard and seen and held by a friend.

Well I KNOW these things will raise your vibration and put you on an energetic match for more good things to flow to you!

If I’ve missed anything, please do share below…

Have a Bright, Blessed day!

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