So I write poems, occasionally..Here’s one that keeps echoing through my life..

Creeping about under the cover of shadows, avoid the light.

What used to be deemed unacceptable, now seems right.

Enter the void, the beautiful black hole of internal prison, 

craving comfort in the cracks, the fuzzy haze of -isms.

Heart is a buried memory under the layers of protection,

Compassion no longer, death to the burning infection.

Solitude is safety, no wants, no needs, no flame of desire..

Aloneness is freedom amplified, that bird on the wire.

Then the common ground resurfaces of that age old 'human condition',

so you seek divinity, humanity; though still an impossible mission

Dabbling dutifully, mechanically in the wounded world of 'society',

becomes more difficult daily; independence is free from propriety.

A fleeting moment of nothingness neurotically dragged out into the infinite,

while a lifetime of lucid loves and loss compressed into a minute

The experience of 'Now' veiled by reactive role playing of past pain

leaves you less able to connect; defence mode set to disdain.

What used to be deemed unacceptable now seems right; 

continue creeping under the cover of shadows - kill the light.