3 Easy Steps to Learn to use your Intuition;

The world has gone mad now, well and truly from the Amazon to Australia to Angola, chaos is the state that humanity has escalated into with multiple global crisis’ happening simultaneously.

So needless to say the future is uncertain and the great void of the unknown is where most of us are residing right now. Whether it be our jobs, partners, relationships, health, travel plans or food supply that is uncertain. Uncertainty is where we’re at collectively and it’s affecting countless people’s mental health, understandably. Humans are creatures of habits and we like to know that we are safe, grounded and that our futures are somewhat predicable or able to be planned to some degree.

Being with the Unknown is not enjoyable, however we can actually start to move into a place where it is. Through connecting to our intuition and being guided by our inner voices we are able to let go of the tight control of our lives and how things `should’ be - according to our rigid reptilian minds - and start to be in sync and dialogue with our Intuition.

I was forced into the Unknown and deep uncertainty at a young age after my mother died and had to be raised by my angry alcoholic father. So I had to get friendly with my inner voice rather quickly and trust the gut instincts and random fleeting thoughts, which ultimately led me to a life of flow through wave after wave of random coincidences and synchronicities that I still ride on!

So as myself and Intuition are well acquainted I’m happy to give you 3 easy tips to start to connect with your Intuition so that you can become comfortable with the discomfort of the Unknown;


The easiest way to start is to sit somewhere quiet and take deep breaths. Take all of your attention away from the external world and place it on your internal world. Focusing on any inner images, sensations, impulses and emotions is the best way to start to go inwards. Be completely aware, present and open to what you start to see internally. Aim to remain as objective and non judgmental to what you are witnessing! As if you’re in the observer position not the observed.


Observe if any of the images have colours or shapes to them, are they static or moving? Are there any sensations with the images? Notice are they heavy or light? Do they have a particular texture or temperature? Do the sensations correspond with different parts of the body? Mentally engage withe the sensations, by simply starting a dialogue with those images. The same way you’d talk to a new friend or partner, start by asking questions? How are you? What do you represent? Wait and sit in silence to hear the response which will manifest usually with random fleeting thoughts or images. Be as open, curious and allowing as possible, don’t judge the feedback you receive as silly or nonsensical, as this invites the mind to take over again and rationalize what it can never understand.


Learn to tune into your heart space. The heart’s electro-magnetic field is essentially 5000 times stronger than the minds, so it is always communicating through your energetic field (your aura) with other humans energetic fields. Daily Meditation of just 10 minutes is valuable. While visualizing the heart space start breathing in through the front of the heart and exhaling out of the back of the heart, and vice versa for at least 10 solid breaths; this is a simple technique to get you out of your head and into your heart.

Remember the heart is where compassion, love, care and wholeness exists, as opposed to the mind where separation, duality and polarity is always occurring. Essentially the heart is the Feeling domain while the Head is the epi-centre of Thinking.

If you cannot hear your inner voice and think Intuition is nonsensical and woo-woo magical mystical, this is only because you have ignored your inner voice for far too long and the voice is essentially on mute now. Like a sulking partner who’s been ignored and uses the silent treatment on you.

You’ve most likely either been listening to your parents, peers or societal pressure or been led by your head and ego too long, which in the Western world is sadly very normal.So it may take some time for the soft inner voice to trust that if it speaks, you will actually listen!

Practicing these techniques daily is highly useful to hearing, understanding and actually trusting your inner guidance and intuition. In time - like myself- you will become well versed in the language of your body, which in turn allows your life to be more in flow with feeling and the natural creative process that is life itself.

If you need further guidance, happy to help! Drop me a line..