Caribbean meets the Mediterranean

So I’ve recently returned from Egypt, still got Sinai stardust on my skin and still craving those heartwarming vegetarian dishes full of tantalizing spices and herbs which I’ve happened to bring back with me this time; cumin, cardamon and coriander in particular. Spices easily ramp up the flavour of any meal, clearly the best chefs know which ones work harmoniously together to dance on your palette.

My fave ‘diet’ or way of eating is by the Mediterranean diet; which seems to be all the rage now, with everything from olive oil to lemons to avocados to humous being promoted for ultimate heart health and longevity, which pleases me to see.

Rewind 30 years, growing up in 80's Australia, food was utterly boring and bland. At school I was horribly embarrassed by my mum’s packed lunches; often smelly lunches of Okra and peas, instead of vegemite and cheese.

I had just wanted to be like the other kids. Not under my mum’s roof! Thankfully..

I still eat a mostly veggie Mediterranean diet however am very influenced by my friends cultures and meals, as well as my immediate environment, which in South London is hugely Caribbean influenced, which I really love.

Often do mashup meals of leftover Rice and peas with feta, spinach and eggs, or whatever’s just hanging out lonesome in my fridge.

Though I must admit I do especially love Jamaican food , have a slight obsession with the fascinating Ackee and the humble Callaloo. Often their potential has been overlooked as they’re served as a boring side salad to the meat or fish dishes. So I’ve chosen to make Callalooo the star of the show with the following recipe. Merging Mediterranean with Caribbean! Enjoy..

King Callaloo with Mackerel + Mushrooms


2 Smoked Mackerel Fillets

350g Mushrooms

500g Callaloo tin or ideally fresh

2 Cloves of Garlic

Juice from half a lemon

A handful of olives

1/2 Teaspoon of Zater

1 teaspoon of Sumac

1/4 teaspoon of Cumin

1/4 a bunch of coriander

1/2 a bunch of Basil leaves

1/4 teaspoon Chilliflakes

Salt and Pepper to taste.

If you’re vegetarian, just swap the Mackerel for tofu..

Enjoy and give me some feedback on how yours went..

Stay well!