COMMUNITY - Connecting our Networks up like Mycelium

Those who know me, know I bang on about community a hell of a lot, before it became a buzz word, trendy or even necessary through Covid to create Community.

Some of us are absolute naturals, at bringing people together to build community, on the common grounds and threads of shared values. Whether it’s climbing, healthy vegan food, being bi-racial, performing spoken word / poetry, drug alcohol recovery, sports or just being part of the same culture - I have been blessed to be a part of many different communities at the same time. My cup is very full in that regard, so I try and spread that love and create that template, whenever I can..

What I have been seeing and feeling more into lately is how mycelium works and how mycelium can be a model of how Humanity needs to operate to survive…A network of unseen fungal threads or hyphae. Mycelia often grow underground but can also thrive in other places such as rotting tree trunks and a single spore can develop into a mycelium. The fruiting bodies of fungi, such as mushrooms, can sprout from a mycelium. Mycelium is powerful in maintaining and spreading powerful threads of connections that maintain the good health of plants, wildflowers, trees and whole eco-systems through their invisible; magical and mystical work.

Would it be too much of an ask for us to BE like Mycelium- connecting our threads of community together to not just survive but thrive?

Today was a particular low moment this morning after hearing that Israel is simultaneously bombing Syria, Lebanon and Palestine and provoking an all out war for a greater Israel - which would likely encroach on Sinai, where I’ve chosen to live and will be returning to soon. Possible annihilation of my people in real time- Heavy.

But as I know too well - darkness does come hand in hand with light - and equally to day I felt the very really sense of hope and light. Through connecting with another spider in his own web of community through health vegetarian food.

I see how many of us grassroots organisers, the poets, musicians, gardeners, healers, teachers, dreamers, mystics and magical folk are connected to one or more solid communities, so I know we’re not in competition together - I know we’re all aligned, I know we’re saying the same things and seeing the same things - in slightly nuanced ways and I know the samskaras and the ripple effects we are having on people and how they go out affect they’re people and on and on and I know that we are making ta difference…

I know we are doing good and making a difference in our communities…but how much more resourced and energised would be, if we can galvanised and organise together? How much more effective in changing the world would we be if we stayed solid in our own community ethos but met up and began regularly collaborating and galvanised with each other.. Too dreamy to say out loud that we would be a force of nature to be reckoned with..

I’m not taking about just here in London, I’ve got quite a few friends from London who are re-rooting to their family heritage and land in parts of Africa and Jamaica. I myself am a part of a small but mighty bunch of permaculture peeps doing similar thigs to re-green the desert in Dahab/Sinai, then there are similar people all over London, and across all of UK, there are many groups and tribes teaching freedom and sovereignty..

But how much more powerful and effective would we be as agents of change if we put aside any differences AND the need to be THE group that is going to change the world, if we got over the need for ONE might twat to lead the next top down hierarchical structure and if we remembered like ALL natives tell us, that circles, cycles and season are NOT linear, no boxes, or squares to tick or fit into. We ALL have gifts to share and skills that are needed. We are one, yes - the Individual and Collective together - Humanity and Divinity together. The US and the Them together…right?

Instead of Competition- Co-operation/ Collaboration and Community

Instead of Ownership we try Stewardship

Instead of Blackrock monopoly - try free energy

Instead of the War Machine of Imperialism we try governing ourselves form bottom up, which means taking FULL Responsibility for ourselves and each one of us..

As ultimately that’s what it comes down to - RESPONS ABILITY - How willing and able to respond to the world right now? T your Inner world and our collective worlds?

What if we could meet regularly and align these already existing amazing communities, tribes, fellowships, groups..

Where could and would humanity be a year from now if we committed to this?